Coffee and cats - can you think of a better combination? Newcastle Quayside is home to a lovely little cafe that brings both of these worlds together in purrrfect harmony.
CatPawCino’s array of feline friends and frothy coffee is taking the Toon by storm with cuteness and caffeine. Here’s all you need to know about the popular cat cafe…
The cafe was opened in 2015 by Sarah Zong, a Newcastle university graduate with a passion for all things feline. Sarah opened the cat cafe because she knows just how stress relieving having a few cat pals around can be, but not everyone has the time or space for pets at their home. So, Sarah hoped the cafe could be an alternative for people that are craving some catty attention.
There are eight cats who are permanent residents at CatPawCino, all of which are Sarah’s own that she reared from kittens. They all lived together in her family home before moving into the cafe. They’re all shapes, sizes and breeds, and of course all extremely cute. Alfie, Chocolate, Ebby, Flora, Hugo, Iva, Jasper, and Kyla are the gang of regulars at the cafe that have become cat celebrities on the Quayside over the years. There’s also a chance to see some new faces at the cafe as often foster cats will periodically join the cafe’s line-up.
Sarah has tried to make the cafe a relaxing place for both human and feline by adopting a garden theme, bringing the serenity of the outdoors indoors. When you’re relaxing with your new cat pals you can also get your paws on some lush locally sourced Pumphreys coffee as well as a range of speciality teas, cat themed cakes and cheesy toasties! The cats will be jealous!
Book your table at catpawcinocatcafe.com
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