If you're expecting the pitter-patter of tiny feet, All Things Baby at John Lewis is the perfect event for you!
Taking place between 5:30pm and 7:30pm at The Place to Eat on Floor 2, All Things Baby will feature a whole host of experts, leading brands and local specialists in baby and toddler experiences who will be on hand to answer all your baby-related questions.
Refreshments will be served and there's the chance to enter a prize draw to win a collection of baby goodies worth over £500 too. You'll also receive £5 off purchases from selected departments during the evening and can claim a goody bag if you book an instore appointment with one of John Lewis' advisers.
Tickets cost £10 and are on sale at John Lewis at the Nursery department on Floor 1 and the Customer Service desk on Floor 2. You can also call 0191 232 5000 or email [email protected] to book.